Verification and Validation Services

Verification and validation services to independently evaluate performance and quality of product designed.

Verification and Validation Services

Verification and validation techniques checks whether the software or application developed meets the specifications and if it fulfills its intended purpose or not. Independent Verification and validation services are procedures used for checking that a product, service, or system meets requirements and specifications as laid out in the product specs and that it fulfills the intended purpose. Independent testing and validation services are exercises carried out to ensure that the software built is of high quality and performs as it is expected to, every single time. The verification and validation techniques cover different aspects of product testing. Verification process ensures that software meets the defined specifications whereas validation techniques focus on whether the software meets the expectations and requirements of the end user.

Verification and Validation Techniques (IV&V Techniques)

Mistral’s testing and validation services team assesses project deliverables in an independent manner using innovative and effective verification and validation techniques at various stages of development and ensures that the deliverables are in line with customer specifications and requirements.

Mistral offers fully integrated verification and validation services to ensure high usability, performance and quality assurance services while releasing new products and devices. Our testing and validation services team adopts innovative verification and validation techniques throughout the entire product development and testing process. Our verification and validation techniques consist of code reviews, walkthroughs, inspections, desk-checking and code execution.

Verification and Validation Services

Broadly speaking, Mistral’s Independent verification and validation techniques involve Unit Testing ( White Box Testing), Hardware-Software Integration Testing (HSIT) and System Testing (Black Box Testing). Our verification and validation services are modeled as per project requirement (e.g. Prototype, Spiral, Iterative, V Model, Agile) and the verification and validation services team participates actively in all phases of the project.

Our expertise in the embedded domain, proven verification and validation techniques and methodologies along with a holistic approach; ensure a quick turnaround and quality output for the designed solution.

“Mistral's FPGA/Hardware/PCB CAD team did a great job in completing our projects based on multiple RFSOC FPGAs Read more...

Mr. Gary Xu & Mr. Khurram Muhammad

Samsung Research America, Inc.

Mistral Solutions

Samsung Research America, Inc.

“Mistral's FPGA/Hardware/PCB CAD team did a great job in completing our projects based on multiple RFSOC FPGAs Read more...”
“Mistral team demonstrated high professionalism, right from requirement capture through various stages of projects Read more...

Mr. Michael Bailey

Gooch & Housego

Mistral Solutions

Gooch & Housego

“Mistral team demonstrated high professionalism, right from requirement capture through various stages of projects Read more...”
Mistral Solutions


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Verification and Validation Techniques

  • Independent Verification and validation services covering
  • Requirements, Design, Source Code
  • Unit Testing i.e. White Box Testing
  • Hardware-Software Integration Testing
  • System Testing i.e. Black Box Testing
  • Test Automation solutions to reduce test cycle-time significantly
  • Verification and validation techniques to effectively and efficiently carry out stress, performance tests; detect defects in early part of life-cycle
  • Test Documentation
  • Certification and Liaison
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Domain Expertise

  • Our Verification and validation services cater to products designed for
  • Consumer and Lifestyle Electronics
  • Navigation systems, Wearable Electronics, Drones and UAVs
  • Assistive Technology
  • Home and Industrial Automation services
  • Multimedia and Infotainment Systems
  • Telecom and Networking Systems
  • Evaluation Modules for new chipsets
  • BSPs & Device Drivers validation
  • Validation suites for Production
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Testing and Validation Services - Tools and Skill Set

  • Methodologies: Hardware in-loop simulation (HIL), Customized Tests , Modeling and
  • simulation, Customized Test Jigs, UML-based Simulation, LabView/Matlab/Simulink
  • Tools: RTRT, LTP, CANTATA++, Coverity, Klocwork, CTS (Compliance Test Suite), Test Harness
  • for Android, Code Sourcery, IAR Embedded Workbench
  • ITBOK Suite to test Peripheral interfaces on the Hardware
  • Protocols: USB, Ethernet, RS-232, RS-422, UART, Bluetooth, WiFi, ZigBee
  • Languages: C, C++, Perl, Python, TTL, XML, Shell Script, Socket Programming
  • Debuggers: Trace32, iONE, GDB, BDI
  • OS: Linux, Android, WinCE

Block Diagram

Mistral’s Verification and Validation services follow a V-model based approach